3D Community News | 2023年11月09日, 星期四
Ben Fryc - Plasticity 3D Modeling for Motion Designers Beginner Overview

Ben Fryc released a very neat video covering beginner modeling steps in Plasticity!

As this article and tutorial are all about beginner steps in Plasticity, you will be able to get some grip on Plasticity overall, Interface overview, and a few other things.

Through the tutorial, you will get insight into basic modeling tips as well.

00:00 - Intro
00:31 - About Plasticity
01:36 - Interface Overview
03:40 - Basic modeling
15:28 - Tube modeling
19:25 - Knob modeling
24:45 - Exporting from Plasticity
26:38 - C4D importing and scene setup

Check the video now!

Ben Fryc is a CGI artist and content creator.

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